The Apollo Academy Read online

Page 26

  Sky flinched, color draining from his face. “I’m sorry I kept you in danger. I should’ve trusted you.” Sky moved closer to Aurora, and this time she let him.

  He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, his fingers leaving a trail of fire.

  “I won’t say anything about your past unless I need to,” Aurora promised. She turned and walked up the steps, calling over her shoulder when Zane and Sky didn’t follow. “You coming? We have things to do.”

  They both nodded, silently running up the steps next to her.


  Sky didn’t deserve the girl he was running up the steps next to. Aurora was beautiful like this—determined, strong, in charge, and more importantly a woman who believed in the best of people. Even the overbearing, bastard son to her father’s biggest enemy.

  It was no wonder Zane would do anything for her. Aurora even gave the unknown orphan hope. Sky kind of felt bad for almost exposing Zane’s secret, but before he had a chance to broach the topic they were standing in front of Aurora’s room.

  Aurora began inputting the pass code on the door, but before she finished, the locks disarmed. Kaylana forced the door open wide, grabbed a surprised Aurora, and engulfed her in a hug. “Where have you been?”

  Zane shuffled in the door behind Aurora, going to sit on the bed next to Akemi, like he’d been in her room before. Sky squeezed the doorframe, unsure of what he was supposed to do. Akemi and Zane looked comfortable here.

  What the hell was he thinking?

  Determined, Sky walked through the door like he owned the place. He sauntered around the room, noting old books neatly placed on shelves like they were something to treasure. He glanced at the photos randomly placed along the walls and the shoes overflowing out of the closet. It wasn’t anything like his room. It was warm.

  Sky studied the two guys sitting next to one another. “What have you been doing?” Sky wiggled his eyebrows at Akemi. The cadet dressed in a rumpled tux glanced at Kaylana.

  “You and Kaylana, huh?”

  Akemi didn’t answer, instead nodding in Aurora’s direction. “Is everything all right?” His voice was genuinely edged in concern.

  “Yeah, she was with Sky.” Zane shrugged as if it that was all that had happened.

  Sky rubbed his chin, wondering if there’d be a bruise there tomorrow.

  “So, really, why were you so late?” Akemi bent forward and whispered to Zane, “What’s really going on?”

  Sky pretended like he hadn’t heard Akemi’s whisper, running his fingers down the spine of a book. Aurora and Kaylana chatted on the other side of the room, but Sky strained his ears for Zane’s answer.

  But Zane didn’t appear to respond. He stood up, ignoring Akemi’s whispered question.

  Maybe Zane would keep the whole incident outside a secret.

  “So what’s Aurora doing with the ladybug you fixed up?” Akemi asked.

  “She thinks she’ll find techspiders in Hailen’s room,” Zane answered.

  Sky glanced at Aurora. She was holding a remote control with a video screen in her hand. He walked over to where Aurora and Kaylana were standing, curious. “May I see?” He held his hand out.

  Aurora dropped a small ladybug in his hand. Its delicate wings were spread out like it had been made to fly.

  “Wait, you can actually fly this thing?”

  “I do have a good flight instructor.” Aurora smiled, but it looked forced.

  “I didn’t mean it like that. I meant, how can you see anything to fly it?”

  Sky moved over as Zane and Akemi joined their group.

  “I added visual lenses to its eyes, and it pushes out an electrical signal that connects to this.” Zane pointed to the remote control Sky had noticed earlier.

  “That’s nova,” Sky admitted. He’d already seen what Zane could do. The kid was scary smart. He didn’t know anyone that read binary code. How an unknown would be so smart was beyond him.

  “Why do you think you’ll be able to get into Hailen’s room this time?” Kaylana asked.

  “I’m going to fly it through the ventilation system. I want this over with.” Aurora’s voice sounded hard and determined.

  It was an ingenious idea. Sky knew there were air vents required in every room for proper climate control, but he would never have had the idea to fly through them.

  “Okay, but the ventilation system is probably pretty complex. How would Aurora know where to go to get to the right room?” Akemi asked.

  “Remember that schematic Ms. Lovell showed us on our first day here?” Zane strode over to Aurora’s desk.

  “Yeah, but do you have a copy with you?” Kaylana asked.

  Zane touched Aurora’s glass desktop, scanning his fingers across its icons. “No, but I can get it. I just need to hack into the Academy’s mainframe.”

  Kaylana rolled her eyes, but Zane didn’t see it. “Okay, I’ve found the building’s latest re-construction plans. Now, I’ve just got to...” Zane’s fingers tapped at supernova speed on whatever icon he was looking at. Probably somehow hacking into the Academy’s database. It was probably a good thing Zane already knew his secrets. The boy could probably find out anything.

  “Aha. I got it.” Zane swiped his hand across the desk and pulled his fingers in an upward motion like he was grabbing something and pulling it out of the desk.

  A 3D neon blue display of the ventilation system floated in front of them. It was just as complicated as Akemi predicted it would be. Vents and air ducks were twisted in and around the massive building.

  “You’re joking right?” Kaylana moved closer, inspecting the ventilation system.

  “I have to fly around all of that?” Aurora asked, her face pale.

  “Yeah, I’ll mark where we are and how to get to Hailen’s room. Unfortunately, the ventilation system doesn’t run in straight lines.” Zane traced his finger, a bright red line followed.

  When Zane was done marking the route, Sky saw that it wasn’t going to be easy. The marked red line twisted and turned around the building in a complex route.

  “Do you have any idea how hard it is to navigate with this little screen?” Aurora held up the seven-inch screen.

  “Yeah, but you can do it. I’ll be here if you need any last-minute flying lessons.” Sky met Aurora’s eyes, trying to express his true feelings for her in that moment. He hoped she could see the pride and affection he felt for her there.

  “You think so?”

  Sky nodded.

  Taking a deep breath, Aurora said, “All right, then. Let’s get this over with.”

  Kaylana clapped her hands in the air. “This is just like a real reconnaissance mission.” Kaylana pulled Aurora into a hug. “You can do this. We’ll find our proof, and then we’ll only have training to worry about.”

  Aurora picked up the remote control and stood in front of the 3D display. When she had the ladybug airborne, she flew it up to the corner of the room and into the air vent.

  The screen went black, but Aurora turned on the camera’s night vision. The air ducts lit up, tinged in green light.

  Sky’s chest felt tight as he watched Aurora fly through tight spaces with ease. The girl was practically born with wings on her back.

  The ladybug flew in and out of tunnels, turning left and right until she was in the main duct that led to Hailen’s room. Aurora was probably one of the few in the Academy that could have flown such a complicated path. Of course, he was one of them too.

  Before Sky could stop her from flying directly through Hailen’s air vent, the ladybug was already in the room. When the automatic lighting sensors did not detect the small bug, Sky sighed in relief.

  “Are you recording everything?” Zane asked.

  Aurora only nodded her head, her concentration on the screen. Kaylana and Akemi were holding hands as they huddled behind her, watching the monitor.

  The ladybug’s night vision gave the room an eerie feeling. Clothing and shoes were scattered throughout the room, and Sk
y wasn’t sure if they’d be able to find anything in that mess.

  In the end it didn’t matter.

  The lights blared on, casting Aurora’s small Vid screen in brilliant white light, momentarily blinding her. Aurora switched the night vision off. Sky watched in admiration as she managed to hide the ladybug under Hailen’s bed.

  Hailen was still dressed for the dance in what Sky could only describe as an extremely short, fitted blue shirt. Hailen looked around, ensuring she was alone. She pulled a small box from her purse and set it carefully on her desk. Leaving the box on the desk, Hailen walked to the bed, sitting down.

  “Okay,” Hailen said. “I only have one left, but I’ll plant it as soon as I can.”

  “She must be on her techiwatch,” Aurora whispered.

  Because the ladybug was hidden underneath the bed, Sky couldn’t see who she was talking to. The screen was dark; he only saw the posts of the bed.

  “It better work this time,” a deep voice, edged with anger, responded.

  “I won’t be able to try again until after break,” Hailen said.

  “How many times can you mess this up? My only job was to get you in and give you the tech you needed to get her out. But I don’t get paid until you actually do the job.”

  Sky noticed the tension in Aurora’s shoulders as she moved the ladybug into a better position. Even though Sky knew Hailen was involved, somehow hearing those words made it more real. If there was a techspider in that box, then these two were openly talking about harming Aurora. His blood went cold at the thought.

  Was the male Rowan Dagan? It sure sounded like the Rowan he sometimes saw on the news, but Sky couldn’t be sure.

  “Calm down. I’ll take care of it,” Hailen snapped.

  “Hailen, we’ve had a good time together, but if you can’t do this, it’s over.”

  “Well, does it have to be her? She’s never alone. Besides, she’s not that bad—”

  “Save it, Hailen. You know her death will bring the most attention to the Academy. And that’s what I’ve been asked to help you do. Show the world that everything they’re training for is wrong.”

  “Hailen’s a TerraRist,” Zane whispered. The second Zane said it, Sky felt his words were true. It was the only thing that made sense.

  “What about Sky? He’d bring a lot of attention too.” Hailen questioned.

  “No, I have my own plans for him.”

  Sky’s shoulders hitched. It had to be Rowan. Voice recognition on Aurora’s recording would be the only thing that could prove what his gut was telling him. His brother was up to something sinister. His attacks against Aurora for a paycheck proved that, but Sky still had no clue as to why. Just to pull their father’s company out of bankruptcy? Either way, he intended to find out.

  Aurora glanced at him, probably for a reaction, but he just shrugged. She turned her attention back to the remote and screen she held in her hands.

  The ladybug began creeping slowly across the carpeted floor, carefully moving around piles of clothing in its way. Sky thought it was a good call to not chance getting caught by having it fly out, but the progress was painfully slow due to its small legs.

  “I still can’t believe you didn’t show up for the dance,” Hailen whined.

  There was male laughter. “Hailen, I can’t show my face there. Sometimes you’re so young. I promise when this is over, we won’t have to hide. But that only happens if you succeed.”

  Hailen huffed. “I guess I’ll just contact you when it’s done then.” Hailen ended the call. Oblivious to the ladybug on the floor, Hailen jumped off her bed and made her way back to the desk.

  Aurora’s shoulders began to shake. Sky wasn’t sure if it was because she was scared or raving mad, but either way she lost all sense of self-preservation.

  Aurora flew the ladybug directly at Hailen who was standing over the box on her desk. Hailen opened the lid and nestled inside was a small silver techspider.

  Hailen looked up, caught sight of the small bug flying around her and tilted her head to the side. “What the—” She swatted at the ladybug, but Aurora was already flying higher than Hailen’s arms could reach, moving toward the air vent.

  Hailen jumped, brushing the ladybug with her outstretched fingertips.

  Hailen’s contorted grin was the last thing Sky saw on the screen.


  Aurora ran out of the room, furious. She didn’t know what she was going to do; all she knew was that she had to do something. Hailen had just destroyed her ladybug—her only solid evidence. They would never be able to analyze the voice on the recording now. Even though she knew it had to be Rowan Dagan, she still had no proof.

  Sky had been telling the truth.

  Aurora’s throat closed up. There was no way her father wouldn’t find out about this. She needed to end this once and for all.

  Hailen still had a techspider in her room. Right. Now.

  Aurora stopped in front of Hailen’s door and before she thought about it, she was pounding on the door. “Open up, Hailen. I know you’re in there,” she yelled, not caring who heard.

  Kaylana, Zane, Sky, and Akemi came running down the hall until they were standing beside her. She didn’t stop pounding.

  “Aurora, what are you going to do?” Sky put a hand on her shoulder, forcing her to turn around.

  “I’m getting my evidence, and then I’m getting Hailen removed from school.” Aurora held her chin high. “She tried to have me killed!” Heat flushed her body.

  Aurora took a deep breath, trying to steady her rapid breathing. “Kaylana, will you page Ms. Lovell and have her come here? Tell her Hailen’s a member of TerraUnited.”

  Aurora didn’t wait to see what Kaylana would do. She turned back to the door, taking her frustration out on it. “Hailen, open up!” Her knuckles were starting to hurt, but she didn’t care. She would beat the door down if she needed to.

  As Aurora’s hand went to knock again, Zane caught it midair.

  “Wait. I’ll get it unlocked.” Zane gently rubbed her pink knuckles then quickly dropped her hand as if he regretted the gesture. The boy was so confusing. And Aurora didn’t dare look to see what Sky thought of this.

  She stepped back, allowing Zane to move in front of Hailen’s door. Aurora couldn’t hear anything happening inside, but she was certain Hailen had no other way to escape.

  Zane pulled a thin tool from his pocket and parted the keypad, exposing its internal parts. He spread several wires apart until he found the one he was looking for, a yellow wire. Zane placed the thin instrument back in his pocket and proceeded to pull out a pair of tiny scissors.

  Aurora was momentarily distracted. What all did he keep in his pockets? It was unbelievable. The guy was prepared for anything.

  Zane snipped the yellow wire, and Aurora heard the seal around the door release. He stepped back, gesturing Aurora toward the door.

  “Thank you.” Aurora didn’t waste any time. She pushed the door open and ran inside.

  Everyone followed in behind her.

  “What are you doing?” Hailen looked up from her desk, her eyes wide in panic. “You can’t just barge into my room.”

  Aurora moved around the piles of clothing until she was standing in front of Hailen’s desk, blocking her exit. Now that she was here, she wasn’t sure what to say.

  All she knew was that she needed information.

  Her heart beat wildly. The ladybug lay prone, legs up, on Hailen’s desk’s surface.

  “Oh, was that yours?” Hailen moved to flick the ladybug, but Zane grabbed it before she reached it.

  “I’ll fix this.” Zane quickly examined the damage, a scowl crossing his face. “It may take some time.” He looked at Aurora apologetically.

  “Hailen, we know you’re the one planting the techspiders and that you’re a TerraRist. Ms. Lovell will be here any second. Anything you’d like to say?” Aurora prodded, hoping for once that someone would tell her the truth.

  “You don�
�t have proof of anything,” Hailen sneered. Her gaze dropped to the lower left drawer on her desk, but she hastily looked away.

  Aurora smiled. “Oh? I bet there’s a techspider in your lower left desk drawer.”

  Hailen glanced to the door, but she would not only have to get past Aurora, but Sky, Kaylana, and Akemi as well.

  “There’s nowhere to run.”

  “You think you know everything, don’t you?” Hailen crossed her arms, focusing on Sky who stood behind her. “Are you sure it’s me you should be worried about?” Hailen batted her eyelashes. “Did you know that Sky’s real name is actually Skyller Dagan?

  Kaylana practically sucked all of the breath out of the room with her huge gasp, but Aurora’s face remained neutral.

  Aurora put her hand out behind her, relieved when Sky’s bulky hands grabbed onto hers. She pulled him so that he was standing next to her. “Sky has nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “He told you.” Hailen’s pupils dilated, and her lower lip quivered. “I was forced to do this.”

  “Hailen, don’t play that game with me. You’re a TerraRist.” Aurora stood her ground as a gleam lit Hailen’s eyes. She looked like an insane, caged animal.

  “We have no right to alter other worlds.” Hailen’s hands squeezed the back of her desk chair. “Look at what your father has done to ours.”

  Aurora shrugged. “Well, I’m here to help. The only thing I’ve seen TerraUnited accomplish is more destruction.” She couldn’t deny that her father’s products blinded the world, but it didn’t change the fact that they needed more resources if the human race were to survive. At least she was trying to be productive about it.

  “We know you were talking to Rowan,” Sky stated. He let go of Aurora’s hand, crossing his arms across his chest. “You know he’s just using you, right? He probably even helped brainwash you with that load of TerraUnited propaganda. All so that he could get a pay check.”

  “You don’t know anything.” Hailen’s jaw clenched.